Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The Lessee cannot in any circumstances benefit from access or use of the premises after the current lease has expired.
The lease period may not be extended without the prior consent of the Owner, which the Lessee hereby accepts.
The latter declares on his/her honour that he/she does not exercise and does not seek to exercise any profession at the premises under the contract and that said premises are leased to him/her only as a temporary residence, these are major conditions without which this lease would not have been granted.


This agreement is binding and irrevocable.
The reservation becomes in force once the Lessee has paid at least 50% deposit and duly signed & returned to the Owner a copy of the Lease Agreement.
The Lessee who has paid a deposit on the lease undertakes to take possession of the premises made available under this agreement, and to pay the due balance of the lease one month before the start of the lease. In the event that these conditions are not fulfilled, and if the premises could be re-rented, only the loss suffered by the Owner would remain at the expense of the defaulting Lessee.


The security deposit of 500 euros shall be paid in cash, to cover any damages that may be caused to the leased property and to the furniture or other items provided with the leased premises, as well as the different charges and consumptions.
This security deposit will be refunded on the departure day, minus the items replaced, any estimated refurbishment costs, additional cleaning and the consumption amounts. The Lessee undertakes to make up the difference should the security deposit prove insufficient.


• The Lessee undertakes to take the leased premises in the condition in which they are found at the time of entry into possession as detailed in the descriptive statement annexed to this agreement.
• The Lessee shall provide a full list of the occupants (names & age)
• The Lessee undertakes to read and respect the conditions of use and security for the spa facility which are clearly presented in the jacuzzi shower & changing room.
• The Owner shall not be accountable for any misuse of the spa facility; namely all accidents, burns, drowning or the consequences caused due to serious health issues (such as cardiac, respiratory, skin allergy, diabetic etc)
• Indeed, the use of the Jacuzzi by persons who suffer from certain health ailments, is strictly prohibited.
• Thereafter, each spa-user shall assume full responsibility for assessing the appropriateness of using the spa, in view of their own personal health profile.
• The Lessee undertakes to hand-back the property in an acceptable state of cleanliness, close to that of the first day of the Lease. An additional cleaning fee of 120 euros may be reclaimed by the Owner should the he judge the state of cleanliness to be un-satisfactory. (Cleaning completed, kitchen items cleaned, dish-washer and waste bins emptied etc)
• The Lessee undertakes to respect the tranquillity of neighbours at all times. In particular, in accordance with local by-law, it is forbidden to make a disturbance after 10h30pm. Any violation of these requirements may lead to an immediate termination of the present Lease Agreement.
• The Lessee may not smoke inside the building.
• Furniture and objects must not suffer any depreciation other than that resulting from the normal use for which they are intended. Those which are missing or damaged upon the expiry of this agreement, or are out of order for a cause other than normal wear and tear, must be paid for or replaced by the Lessee with the consent of the Owner. This clause also applies to papers, draperies and the building in general.
• The following will be retained, as the case may be:
a) the value of broken or cracked objects and large furniture that appears damaged
b) the cost of washing or cleaning carpets, blankets, mattresses, bedding, etc., that have been stained.
• The Lessee undertakes to use the furniture and items supplied within the leased property for their intended use, and in the places where they are located. It is strictly forbidden to transport them outside of the leased premises.
• The Lessee must completely refrain from throwing items into the sinks, bath, sink, toilet, etc., which are likely to

obstruct pipes; otherwise, he/she will be liable for any costs incurred for repairing these facilities.
• Under penalty of termination, the Lessee may not, under any circumstances, sublet or assign his/her rights to this agreement without the express consent of the Owner; he/she must make normal appropriate use of the leased premises, and may not, under any pretext, store furniture there, except for linen and small items.
• Premises currently leased may not, under any circumstances, be occupied by a number of people greater than that indicated in the special provisions, unless previously agreed with the Owner.
• The Lessee shall allow the performance of urgent work required to maintain the leased premises in good condition, as well as for shared facilities in the premises.
• The Lessee must inform the Owner of any anomaly within 48 hours after taking possession of the property.
• All complaints received after this time-frame cannot be received.
• It is forbidden for the Lessee to bring a pet into the leased premises.
• If the lease agreement includes access to the Internet, the Lessee undertakes not to use it in violation of French law.
In particular, the Lessee undertakes:

  • not to use such Internet access for the purposes of reproduction, representation, making available or communication to the public of works or items protected by copyright or a related right – such as texts, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, software and video games – without authorisation
  • not to use software downloaded illegally
  • to comply with the security policy defined by the Owner as well as the rules for the use of the network and computer equipment.
    Should the Lessee breach any of these obligations, he/she shall be liable to prosecution for infringement (Article L. 335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code).
    • The Lessee accepts to have received a secret entry code to be used for entering the premises during the Lease.
    This is a private code and should not be divulged to a third party exterior to the list of people registered on this
    Lease agreement. The Lessee is wholly responsible for this secret code and all related security issues such as
    unlocked doors / windows etc
    • All damages or loss suffered through theft shall be the sole responsibility of the Lessee.
    • The Owner shall guarantee a specific change of entry code prior to each new occupancy.


The Owner undertakes to make available to the Lessee the leased accommodation in conformity with the descriptive statement, and to respect the obligations resulting from this agreement.


The Lessee shall be required to take out a policy from an insurance company against the risks of theft, fire, glass breakage, water damage, and more generally to cover both the full rental risks, and the rented furniture, as well as for claims by neighbours, and to provide proof of this at the Owner’s or his/her agent’s first request Consequently, the Owner disclaims any liability for recourse that their insurance company could exercise against the Lessee in the event of a claim.


Any cancellation of the Lease Agreement must be notified in writing and by registered postal delivery and will be subject to
the below cancellation charges.

  • At more than one month prior to the Lease Agreement, 50% of the rental cost shall remain due to the Owner.
  • At less than one month prior to the Lease Agreement, the total rental fee shall remain due to the Owner.
  • Should the Lessee not take possession of the property on the due date, and in the absence of notification to the Owner within 24 hours thereafter the present contract shall be considered terminated, the rental payments shall be retained by the Owner and the property may be used immediately as the Owner sees fit. Failing payment on the due dates or non-performance of any clause of this agreement, and eight days after a formal notification has not been remedied, the Owner or his/her agent may require immediate termination of this agreement, and the Lessee must leave the leased premises upon simple order of the judge hearing the application.
    The Owner shall not be held accountable in the case of a premature departure of the Lessee. No refund shall be due in such circumstances.
    In the event where the Lease is terminated upon the request of the Owner, the latter shall refund all payments to the Lessee.


Your personal data collected in the context of this contract are subject to the processing required for its execution. They are likely to be used in the context of the application of regulations such as those relating to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Your personal data are kept for the duration of this lease agreement plus the applicable legal limitation periods.
They are intended for use in the administration of the letting of Chalet Ramo.
The person responsible for the processing of personal data is Mr & Mrs Morton.
Under the Data Protection Act, you are entitled to access, rectify, delete, oppose and transfer your data by contacting Mr & Mrs Morton at : hello@chaletramo.com

You can bring any claim before the CNIL (www.cnil.fr) (French Data Protection Authority)
In the case that telephone numbers have been collected, you are entitled to register on the list of opposition to canvassing intended for consumers (Article L. 223-1 of the French Consumer Code).